–And Now The Podcast Starts! is a critical, fun journey into horror with five informed fans of film and TV. Each episode will focus on a different topic for review or discussion, usually taking a horror subject as a starting point, but going in an unexpected direction, and often featuring special guests.

Tuesday May 31, 2022
DASHCAM - interview with Gemma Hurley & Jed Shepherd
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Ian, Stella and Kirsty do their best without Dan's guidance (he's away on holiday, the slacker) and dig into 'Dashcam', Rob Savage's eagerly anticipated follow-up to 'Host', with a spoiler-free and spoiler-full discussions, plus an interview with 'Dashcam' screenwriter Gemma Hurley and its producer Jed Shepherd.
1'52 Trailer followed by spoiler-free discussion
22'00 Interview with Gemma & Jed
45'03 - TO END Spoilerific discussion - DO NOT LISTEN UNTIL YOU'VE WATCHED THE FILM.
To hear our previous interview with Gemma for 'Host' click here
To hear our previous interview with Rob Savage for 'Host' (with spoilers) click here

Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
It's time to talk Tolkien, and specifically the more horrific elements of the Middle Earth canon. Peter Jackson's 2001 film instalment The Fellowship of the Ring (featuring the ever-forbidding Christopher Lee, of course) has long given Ian, Stella and Dan the collywobbles, but Ralph Bakshi's 1978 animated version is also memorably nightmarish. Joining them to enthuse about these films is the brilliant film journalist, podcaster and producer Catherine Bray, co-host of the highly recommended new podcast Not Another F*cking Elf: A Lord of the Rings Character Guide.
00.00.41 Intro and news
00.06.04 The Lord of the Rings discussion
Relevant links
Not Another F*ucking Elf (@notanotherelf on Twitter) is available on Apple Podcasts and YouTube and so far includes episodes about Gollum, Boromir, Legolas, Bilbo Baggins and Tom Bombadil, with five more episodes due to follow this season
John Ezard's 2001 Guardian article on Tolkien can be read here
Tickets for the 27th May cinema screening of Horror Express (1972) in Manchester can be booked here and the film is also currently streaming on BBC iPlayer.

Saturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
AKA: 'Another Hannibal Love-In'...
We return to the world of Hannibal, Bryan Fuller's majestic TV remix of the works of Thomas Harris. As with our Season One discussion last year, Kirsty and Dan are joined by very special guests Dr Lori Hitchcock Morimoto of the University of Virginia and Dr Rebecca Williams of the University of South Wales for an in depth aca-Fannibal chat, and then by Stella (our very own Dr) and Ian for their take on the show.
WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS for the first and second seasons of Hannibal. If you've never seen the show, DON'T LISTEN TO THIS. Go and find our Season One episode (which is spoiler-free) and if you like the sound of it watch the show up to Season Two, then listen to this.
In the UK, Hannibal is free to stream via My5 (Season One only) or to Amazon Prime subscribers (all seasons).
00.00.41 Intro with Dan
00.05.25 Dr Rebecca Williams & Dr Lori Hitchcock Morimoto with Kirsty & Dan
01.14.10 Stella & Ian with Kirsty & Dan
All soundtrack and music clips are used for the puposes of criticism under Fair Use (US law) and Fair Dealing (UK law). No copyright infringement intended.
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com

Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Patreon Extract: 100 Years of Nigel Kneale
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
The date this episode drops, 28th April 2022, would've been the 100th birthday of Nigel Kneale, the great pioneer of SF/horror TV and film, who died in 2006. Here, in an extract from our forthcoming episode on Kneale's film version of Quatermass and the Pit (1967), renowned horror author Simon Clark tells Dan the story of how he found the script books of Kneale's 1950s Quatermass serials in a second-hand bookshop and why they are so important to him.
To hear the full version of this interview, in which Simon discusses in detail not just the three script books but also Kneale's other literary works, sign up to our Patreon page.
Look back through our podcast feed and on our website, andnowpodcast.com, to find our earlier Kneale-themed content: our Missed Classic on Beasts: During Barty's Party (1976) and our Halloween Retrospective on Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982), and Dan's written appreciation of The Woman in Black (1989).

Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Revisitations #4: Martin (1977) (or: Educating Ian)
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
Saturday Apr 02, 2022
It's April Fool's Day, so perhaps it's appropriate to admit our own foolishness in failing to put out our March episode actually in the month of March. Here it is instead, and you'll get a proper April episode in due course...
David Edwards, former film critic of the Daily Mirror and old mate of Ian's, is a great fan of and expert on George A Romero's unique 1977 vampire movie, Martin. He joins Ian (who is watching the film in its entirety for the first time) and Dan (who is rediscovering it after seeing the film when he was in his teens) to discuss this powerful movie in both spoiler-free and spoiler-detailed fashion. They also discuss the prospect of the recently-discovered extended version of the film.
Kirsty and Stella sadly couldn't be involved in this episode, but they'll be back!
00.00.41 Intro
00.04.22 Trailer and spoiler-free discussion
00.24.22 Background to the forthcoming extended version
00.39.37 Spoiler discussion
Ultraviolet (1998) is available to stream in the UK via All4
All film and music clips are used for the purposes of criticism. No copyright infringement of intended.
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com

Friday Mar 04, 2022
Mini Reviews #1: Sister Tempest (2020)
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Now that the major episodes of the podcast have moved to a monthly schedule, we'll be dropping occasional mini episodes in between, including reviews of new movies. Here is the first, as Kirsty and Dan sink their teeth into director Joe Badon's surreal dark comedy, Sister Tempest.
Relevant links:
Order Sister Tempest on Blu-Ray
Rent Sister Tempest to stream on Vimeo
Also - if you want to help the situation in Ukraine:
Donate to the DEC Ukraine Appeal (the UK government will match donations up to £20million)
Donate to the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Revisitations #3: Nosferatu (1922)
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
It's 100 years since the premiere of FW Murnau's Nosferatu - Eine Symphonie des Grauens (A Symphony of Horror). Although not quite the first screen adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula, it's the one by which all others are measured - a masterpiece of German Expressionist cinema that marks the beginning of modern screen horror.
For years Kirsty has been passing on her love of this classic to her students, and on such an important anniversary, Dan was more than happy revisit it with her.
Elsewhere, the two hosts discuss the trailers for the forthcoming films from Jordan Peele and Alex Garland, and there's a message from Howard.
Relevant links:
The music-free version of Nosferatu is public domain and can be easily found online, and a scored version is available on Amazon or DVD and Blu-Ray
1922: The Birth of Now, including an episode focused on Nosferatu. can be heard at BBC Sounds
All trailers and music clips are used for the purposes of criticism in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Scream (2022) - Should they have called it SCREAMS?
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Dan spent quite a while thinking up the title for this episode...
Yes, having graduated from high school (or 'left secondary school' as we tend to say in this part of the UK) just as Wes Craven's seminal slasher comedy Scream (1996) first hit UK cinemas, Stella and Dan are franchise fans and wouldn't dare miss the latest in-no-way-confusingly-titled instalment, Scream (2022). Kirsty thought it looked fun too, and Covid allowed them all to get to the cinema to see it. Hear them chat about it.
Oh, and the answer to the question posed in the title of this episode is: no.
NB. Apologies to anyone who downloaded this episode within its first day of release as there were some editing problems we failed to spot. These have now been fixed.
00.00.00 Intro and Scream franchise chat
00.30.20 Scream (2022) review (non-spoiler)
01.01.30 Scream (2022) - spoiler thoughts
01.06.32 Recommendations
Relevant Links
Archive 81 is currently available to stream via Netflix in the UK
The X Files is currently available to stream via Disney+ in the UK
All trailers and music clips are used for the purposes of criticism in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com

Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Doctor Sleep (2019) and The Shining (1980)
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Kirsty, Dan and Ian discuss 2019's Doctor Sleep and whether it was a good idea to make a direct sequel to Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (1980).
Also, Merry Christmas!
00.00.00 Intro
00.09.25 Doctor Sleep and The Shining (non-spoilers)
00.40.49 Doctor Sleep (spoilers)
Doctor Sleep (in both theatrical and Director's Cut versions) is currently streaming via Amazon Prime
The Lost Boys is currently streaming via BBC iPlayer
Hannibal Season One is currently streaming for free via My5
BBC iPlayer currently contains several Ghost Stories for Christmas, including Stigma, Whistle and I'll Come To You and the new production, The Mezzotint; plus all the episodes to date of Ghosts and What We Do In The Shadows
Room 237 (a documentary about the conspiracy theories surrounding The Shining) is currently available to stream via IMDB TV
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com

Friday Dec 03, 2021
Questions of Horror #3: Which Horror Films Will We Never Watch (Again)?
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Kirsty and Dan ponder the horror films they've decided never to go near, and the reasons behind their choice. Elsewhere, Howard returns - for the first time over Zoom - to delve into the Bag of Death.
00.00.41 Intro with Dan
00.04.55 The Bag of Death with Howard
00.25.46 The Question of Horror with Kirsty
01.24.28 Recommendations with Dan
Recommendations and Relevant Links
Val Lewton's Cat People: Beyond the Shadows and The Horror Films of Val Lewton are available to stream from Dark Corners Reviews' YouTube page
Cat People (1942), I Walked with a Zombie (1943) and The Curse of the Cat People (1944) are available to stream on the BBC iPlayer (in the Classic Films section)
Special thanks to Leah Marks. The Voiceover Social Podcast can be heard here
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com