–And Now The Podcast Starts! is a critical, fun journey into horror with five informed fans of film and TV. Each episode will focus on a different topic for review or discussion, usually taking a horror subject as a starting point, but going in an unexpected direction, and often featuring special guests.

Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Halloween Retrospective #7: Halloween H20 Twenty Years Later (1998)
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Saturday Oct 31, 2020
Happy Halloween everybody! It's the latest episode of our Halloween retrospective, as Howard and Dan turn their attention to the FIRST return (well, third if you count Halloween II as a return... although actually it never happened according to Halloween 2018 - never mind) of Laurie Strode, from 1998. For the first time, their usual Halloween review sidekick Spider-Dan couldn't make this one, but his boots are ably filled by actor Luke Richards. And yes, everybody calls the film 'H-Two-Oh', not 'H-Twenty', which is the only sensible way to read that title, but the damage done by the original marketing campaign can never be repaired, and it all started with the voiceover on the film's trailer - as you'll hear. Does anybody else wish they'd just called it 'Halloween 1998'?
Elsewhere, it's half-term, so Kirsty and Stella are able to rejoin Dan to chat over some news from horror and life, share some recommendations for Halloween weekend - and record a Missed Classic which we'll be releasing in a few weeks...
Relevant Links and Availability:
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later is available on rental streaming via YouTube and Amazon, and to buy on DVD and Blu-Ray.
H20's draft screenplay (and several others from the Halloween franchise) can be downloaded from the Halloween Screenplays page of the Official Halloween Message Board
This Totally Deserted Studio (Stella's Ghostwatch panel with @BAFTSS_Horror) is available to view on YouTube
National Seance (the tenth annual online Ghostwatch-along event) is at 9pm on Saturday October 31st. Here are links to the event's Facebook page and the Ghostwatch: Behind the Curtains website
Inside No 9 Live: Dead Line (you were right about the title, sorry Stella) is currently streaming via BBC iPlayer
Ready or Not is currently streaming on NowTV and is available to buy via YouTube and Amazon
The Sink: A Sleep Aid podcast is currently available on BBC Sounds
One Cut of the Dead and V/H/S are currently streaming on Shudder
...and don't forget, UK TV viewers, John Carpenter's original Halloween from 1978 is showing on FilmFour on Halloween night!
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Dan and Ian are both devoted fans of Robin Hardy's 1973 film The Wicker Man. In this episode they have the pleasure of a lengthy chat with British-Canadian storyteller Anthony DP Mann, whose company Bleak December Inc is releasing a lovingly-produced audio adaptation of the folk horror classic. Anthony wrote and directed the audio version and also stars in it alongside the legendary Brian Blessed and Laurence R Harvey.
Relevant links and availability:
For more on the production go to the Bleak December website. It will shortly be released through Cadabra Records.
You can sign up to attend Stella's Ghostwatch academic Zoom roundtable on Wednesday 28th October by using this form.
Read Ian's interview with Robin Hardy here.
Listen to the Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores podcast on The Changeling.
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com.

Friday Oct 16, 2020
Grimmfest 2020 Reviews #2
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
In our final discussion of 2020's Grimmfest, which wrapped up last weekend, Stella, Ian and Dan talk about the films They Reach, Fried Barry, The Unhealer and Death Ranch. Plus we have a surprise guest pop up for this week's recommendations!
00.13.01They Reach
00.33.03 Fried Barry
00.47.56 The Unhealer
01.02.46 Death Ranch
Relevant links and availability
All of the films are currently on the festival circuit and yet to go on wide release, so watch out for further announcements.
You can sign up to attend Stella's Ghostwatch academic Zoom roundtable on Wednesday 28th October by using this form
All Killa No Filla podcast can be heard here and there are details of their Monkey Barrell fundraiser here
Children of the Stones is currently available on BBC Sounds
The Haunting of Bly Manor is currently streaming on Netflix
The Shining is broadcasting on BBC2 on Saturday 17th October and thereafter will be available on BBC iPlayer
And Soon The Darkness (1970) is broadcasting on Talking Pictures TV (UK Freeview) on Sunday 18th October at 9pm. You can watch the trailer on YouTube
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Oh dear
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
It happens.
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Grimmfest 2020 Reviews #1
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
As Grimmfest 2020 makes its way through its penultimate day, we can bring you reviews of some of the films already shown. Apologies for the one-day-delay!
Kirsty and Ian discuss The Deep Ones and The Oak Room, Dan and Ian discuss Unearth and 12 Hour Shift, and finally Stella joins in to talk The Horror Crowd with Ian. (In other words, Ian is he star of the show!)
03.40 The Deep Ones
19.45 The Horror Crowd
37.08 Unearth
56.08 The Oak Room
01.13.38 12 Hour Shift
Grimmfest 2020 continues until Sunday 11th October and you can book tickets for the remaining films here.
Ian loves the Rule of Three podcast...
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com.

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Grimmfest 2020 Preview #2
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
This week (Wednesday 7th - Sunday 11th October) it's the online edition of the 12th annual Grimmfest, and here's the second of our three special preview episodes (the third will be released in time for the start of this fantastic film festival on Wednesday).
Regular host Dan is joined by guest host Ian Winterton for preview discussions of three of the festival's film highlights. Ian interviews some key talents behind the splattery and nostalgic period-set teen monster flick They Reach (co-writer/director Sylas Dall, co-writer/producer Bry Troyer and star Mary Madeline Roe) and Ruben Pla, director of The Horror Crowd, a documentary on the LA horror filmmaking community. Finally, Dan joins Ian and writer/director Ryan Kruger and producer James C Williamson to talk about the grimy and hallucinatory Fried Barry, a "road movie on foot" around Cape Town through the eyes of an alien visitor.
Many thanks to our interviewees Sylas Dall, Bry Troyer, Mary Madeline Roe, Ruben Pla, Ryan Kruger and James C Williamson.
To book tickets for Grimmfest (including full festival passes or individual film tickets) click here.
To read Ian's interview with actress Marta Kroll about another Grimmfest film, I Am Ren, click here.
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Visit our website, http://www.andnowpodcast.com

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Grimmfest 2020 Preview #3
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
The day this episode drops is the first day of the online Grimmfest, and here is our final selection of interviews with some of the creators behind its 2020 line-up.
Dan and Ian discuss the unique teen revenge thriller with a Native American spin, The Unhealer, talking to screen legend Lance Henriksen, director Martin Guigui, co-stars Adam Beach, Elijah Nelson, Kayla Carlson and Branscombe Richmond, co-writer/producer J Shawn Harris, and producer/actor Cristi Harris. Then writer/director Alejandro Ibeniz tells Ian why he remade classic Spanish horror film Would You Kill A Child? (not 'Who Can Kill A Child?', as Dan may erroneously state on the podcast) as the Amazon-set supernatural thriller Urubu. Finally, Ian talks to British writer/director Charlie Steeds about his blaxsploitation-homaging "Ku Klux cannibals" splatter-fest, Death Ranch.
Many thanks to all of our interviewees: Lance Henriksen, Cristi Harris, J Shawn Harris, Adam Beach, Martin Guigui, Elijah Nelson, Branscombe Richmond, Kayla Carlson, Alejandro Ibeniz, and Charlie Steeds.
The online festival begins today and continues until 11th October. You can buy festival passes or tickets to individual films here.
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Visit our website, http://www.andnowpodcast.com

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Host Spoiler Special with director Rob Savage
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
(With apologies to the Empire podcast, because we stole their format wholesale for this episode)
The brilliant Shudder original 'Zoom seance' movie Host has been out for a couple of months now (you can check out our initial spoiler-free review and preview interview with its director Rob Savage earlier on this podcast feed). Now you get to hear the second half of our interview with Rob, in which he goes into spoilery behind-the-scenes detail on the film. And then we have a spoiler-heavy discussion/review on the film with Kirsty, Stella, Dan, and returning guest Ian Winterton.
So, if you haven't yet seen Host, definitely go over to Shudder and watch it before listening to this!
Relevant links and availability:
Host is still available to stream via Shudder (and a 7-day free trial)
Stuart and Dumplings (Ian's non-horror lockdown film, made to raise money for the Down's Syndrome Association) is still available to stream via YouTube
Grimmfest 2020 is next week and all the details are here
#Alive is now available to stream in the UK via Netflix
Carrie (1976) is showing on FilmFour in the UK 11.10pm on Friday 9th October
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Friday Sep 25, 2020
Halloween Retrospective #6: Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
It's time for another in our series of Halloween film reviews, freed at last from the 2018 vault which houses all of the recordings that Howard and Dan made in the run-up to the release of Halloween (2018).
For this episode, focusing on perhaps the most peculiar instalment of the franchise (which reportedly gave Christopher Lee his second opportunity to turn the series down), they're joined by Halloween review veteran Spider-Dan and a new guest to the podcast, actor Luke Richards.
Relevant links and availability:
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (theatrical cut) is available on DVD and Blu-Ray or for rental streaming from Amazon or YouTube; the 'producer's cut' is available on Blu-Ray
Spider-Dan's podcast
Alien Theory's Tribute to Ron Cobb on YouTube
Alzheimer's Research UK on Lewy Body Dementia
The Beast Within: The Making of Alien on YouTube
Superior Firepower: The Making of Aliens on YouTube
Des on ITV Hub
The Quatermass Xperiment on Amazon Prime
Howard and Dan talking about The Quatermass Xperiment on YouTube
Quatermass 2 on Amazon Prime
Howard and Dan talking about Quatermass 2 on YouTube (at 01:35:40)
Shudder (a one-week free trial is still available if you've yet to watch Host)
And check out @BAFFTS_Horror on Twitter (Stella's new venture - more details next week!)
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Visit our website, http://www.andnowpodcast.com

Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Grimmfest 2020 Preview #1
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
In a change to the promised episode, this week we offer the first of our previews of October's Grimmfest digital horror film festival. (The latest in our Halloween franchise reviews will come next week instead.)
We hope the diversity of the content will help you forgive the lower-than-usual Zoom-call sound quality. Guest host Ian Winterton has been working hard interviewing a raft of filmmakers from the festival's slate, and here he joins regular host Dan to give an overview of the films on offer over the 7th-11th October. Ian's been kind enough to invite Dan aboard some of the interviews, so here we present conversations with the people behind three of the upcoming films.
Writer-director Brea Grant discusses her hospital-set, gruesome comedy thriller 12 Hour Shift, co-directors John C Lyons and Dorota Swies talk about their gritty, social realist fracking-themed horror Unearth, and director Cody Calahan and star Ari Millen discuss dark Canadian drama The Oak Room.
Relevant Links and Availability
To find out more information and purchase tickets for Grimmfest 2020, go here.
Des is currently showing on ITV1 in the UK and is available to stream at the ITV Hub.
The Black Hole is streaming on Disney+ (in all territories, we assume).
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com