–And Now The Podcast Starts! is a critical, fun journey into horror with five informed fans of film and TV. Each episode will focus on a different topic for review or discussion, usually taking a horror subject as a starting point, but going in an unexpected direction, and often featuring special guests.

Friday May 22, 2020
Lee and Cushing: An Introductory Chat with Dan and Kirsty
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Howard and Dan will soon resume their epic quest to document in podcasts every filmic collaboration between actors and sometime horror stars Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. As a curtain-raiser, Kirsty offered to bring her perspective to the table and accept an introductory exploration of this unique filmography from Dan.
As part of this, Kirsty sampled two particular examples from either end of the Lee/Cushing horror pantheon, The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) and The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973) - the film which inspired our lovely Brian Gorman podcast artwork - and brings her academic perspective to bear on both films.
Howard and Dan's original 2015 podcast about The Curse of Frankenstein will be added to this podcast feed soon after this episode is uploaded, and will be followed by other previously-available discussions of Dr Terror's House of Horrors (1965), Scream and Scream Again (1970) and The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959) before our upload of a brand new Howard/Dan Lee/Cushing episode, on Horror Express (1972), next week.
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Friday May 08, 2020
Missed Classics #1: Suspiria (1977)
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
In the first of our occasional strand of 'Missed Classics' - episodes focusing on a milestone work of horror cinema or TV that one or more of the hosts has just never got around to watching - we are devoting an episode to discussing Dario Argento's seminal 1977 Italian shocker, Suspiria.
Dan had never seen the film before watching it for this podcast, but Kirsty and Stella, with their academic background, are more familiar with it. The three spend the bulk of the episode discussing Suspiria's unique stylisation, its story and themes and its place within the horror genre.
It's also Stella's first time 'live' on the podcast, interacting directly with Kirsty and Dan, so the trio take a few minutes to compare their horror favourites, as well as pick a few recommendations of quality horror currently available to stream in the UK.
Thanks to Steve Timms for the use of his Suspiria retrospective from storgy.com.
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
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Twitter: @AndNowPodcast Facebook: @AndNowPod
And visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Friday May 01, 2020
Halloween Retrospective #3: Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
A special, extra-long, extra-in-depth podcast about the reviled non-sequel turned cult classic, which we've been working on for some time.
As part of their series of discussions about every single film in the Halloween franchise in 2018, Howard and Dan recorded a chat with returning Halloween review guests, Steve Timms and Spider-Dan, and you can hear that in this episode. But also in 2018, uber-Halloween III fan Dave Moore held a fan screening of the film in Bury, Lancashire, UK. Dan was present to talk to Dave about his love for the film and his merchandise collection, and to talk with a group of fans after the screening about their reactions to seeing the film again on the big screen, and this episode presents those discussions too.
Plus, the show is bookended by a new 2020 chat between Kirsty and Dan, picking out some horror recommendations from UK TV and streaming services, and shining a light on a remarkable new short 'lockdown horror' film, currently available to watch for free online, from director Rob Savage.
If you go to our home on YouTube, the Ambidextrous Solutions Limited channel, you can see a short video showing highlights from the screening discussion and from Dave's Halloween III collection.
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Come visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com.

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Halloween Retrospective #2: Halloween II (1981)
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Following yesterday's upload of our previously-released discussion on 1978's Halloween, and ahead of tomorrow's brand new special on 1982's Halloween III: Season of the Witch, it made sense to add our show on 1981's Halloween II to our new podcast feed. The discussion was previously released on YouTube in 2018.
For this chat, which also takes in a broad discussion of the vast genre of slasher films that came into being following the success of Halloween, regular presenters Howard and Dan are joined by actor Rob Stuart-Hudson and, returning from the previous episode, Spider-Dan, of the Spider-Dan and the Secret Bores podcast.
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Halloween Retrospective #1: Halloween (1978)
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
In 2018, accompanied by a number of special guests, Howard and Dan recorded podcast discussions of every single film in the long-running Halloween franchise, but only the first two were actually made public (they're on our YouTube channel).
Soon all of the remaining discussions will be released as on this podcast feed, so for completion's sake, it seemed sensible that the YouTube episodes be included too. And so, here is the first.
To discuss director John Carpenter's 1978 classic Halloween, Howard and Dan are joined by writer/artist Steve Timms and the 'ever-Amazing, ever-Spectacular' Spider-Dan (presenter of the comic book podcast Spider-Dan and the Secret Bores). The four of them enjoyed talking at great length and detail about a film close to all of their hearts (this podcast is, after all, significantly longer than the film it's about). We hope you enjoy it too.
All soundtrack clips from the film are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Come visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com.

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Introducing The Podcast
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
This is the first ever episode of –And Now The Podcast Starts! And it’s not quite the first episode that we planned.
Kirsty, Stella, Howard and Dan had always hoped that they would all feature together in the first episode of the show, but the UK-wide (indeed, virtually planet-wide) lockdown caused by COVID-19 virus has made that impossible. But luckily, the team have been recording eclectic material for months which means that Kirsty and Dan can be your hosts to introduce the concept of the podcast and play some clips from previously recorded material featuring Stella and Howard, so that you can get to know everybody.
Featuring a discussion between Kirsty and Dan introducing the podcast; then a chat between Stella and Dan about the best short horror films seen at Grimmfest, Manchester’s premiere genre film festival, in 2019; and finally a recording of the first live presentation by The Lee/Cushing Podcast, in which Howard, Dan and a live audience at Stage Fright, the Salford horror theatre festival, discuss Dracula AD 1972.