–And Now The Podcast Starts! is a critical, fun journey into horror with five informed fans of film and TV. Each episode will focus on a different topic for review or discussion, usually taking a horror subject as a starting point, but going in an unexpected direction, and often featuring special guests.

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Missed Classics #9: When A Stranger Calls (1979)
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Ian, Kirsty and Dan discover as one the highly influential 1979 thriller, When A Stranger Calls. Elsewhere, Dan rhapsodises about Shudder (where this film can actually be found... it's on Amazon Prime, too).
00.00.00 Intro
00.06.33 When A Stranger Calls spoiler-free discussion
00.16.39 When a Stranger Calls trailer (which contains a spoiler) and spoiler discussion
01.16.22 Recommendations
Do consider subscribing to our Patreon. Our discussion of Hannibal Season 2 has now been added, as has Dan and Kirsty's chat about which horror film's they'll never watch (to be released on the regular podcast feed next week)
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism under Fair Use (US law) and Fair Dealing (UK law). No copyright infringement is intended
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Revisitations #2: Dog Soldiers (2002) (or: Ian‘s Regret)
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
2002's Dog Soldiers is a fave for Stella, a 'like' for Kirsty and Dan, and frankly a source of personal angst for Ian. The foursome all get together to chew the fat on it (and somehow never mention that director Neil Marshall went on to be a key force behind our perennial love, TV's Hannibal). Elsewhere, Howard phones in for another pick from the Bag of Death.
Oh, and (sinister pause...) Happy Halloween!
Relevant Notes and Availability
(All these are relevant to the UK)
Dog Soldiers is out on DVD and Blu-Ray and can frequently be found on BritBox and All4
It (2017) is broadcasting on ITV1 in the UK at 9pm on Saturday 30th October, and It: Chapter 2 is streaming now via Amazon Prime
Ready Or Not (2019) is streaming now via Disney+
Us (2019) is streaming now via Amazon Prime
Doctor Jekyll & Sister Hyde (1971) and the rest of the 'Classic Hammer Horror Collection' are streaming now via Britbox
The Exorcist (1973) is broadcasting on BBC2 at 10.40pm on Saturday 30th October, and will thereafter be available for one month for streaming via BBC iPlayer
Halloween (1978) is broadcasting on FilmFour at 10.55pm the same night (and may thereafter be available to stream via All4 for a week, but you can never be sure)
The Horror Channel's Universal Monster Movie Marathon includes, on Saturday 30th October: Dracula (1931) at 1pm; Frankenstein (1931) at 2.30pm; Bride of Frankenstein (1935) at 3.55pm; The Wolf Man (1931) at 5.25pm and Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man (1943) at 6.50pm. Then on Sunday 31st: The Invisible Man (1933) at 1pm; The Mummy (1932) at 2.25pm; The Mummy's Hand (1940) at 3.55pm; The Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) at 5.15pm; and Revenge of the Creature (1955) at 6.50pm.
Rosemary's Baby (1968) is broadcasting on Great Movies at 9pm on Sunday 31st October.
What We Do In The Shadows (2014) is broadcasting on BBC2 at 10.45pm on Sunday 31st October and thereafter will be streaming for one month via BBC iPlayer. Also, the TV series is currently streaming via Disney+.
Please consider subscribing to our Patreon (our discussion of When A Stranger Calls [1979] has just gone up).
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism under Fair Use (US law) and Fair Dealing (UK law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Insane For The Strain
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
After being introduced to the show via Stella's American TV horror two-parter last year, Dan is now a huge fan of Guillermo del Toro, Chuck Hogan and Carlton Cuse's FX series The Strain (2014-17). In this episode, Stella joins Dan for a spoilery chat about the whole series. Elsewhere, a pre-recorded Howard is present to pluck another random gem from The Bag of Death.
00.00.42 Intro and news
00.10.46 The Strain
01.09.20 The Bag of Death
01.32.15 Recommendations
Relevant Links
Details of the Horror Channel's films for Halloween weekend can be found at Den of Geek
Details of WildRumpus' Halloween film screenings in Stoke-on-Trent can be found here
I Know What You Did Last Summer (2021 TV series) is currently streaming via Amazon Prime
Cellar Club with Caroline Munro runs from 9pm every Friday on Talking Pictures TV (UK Freeview 81)
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Subscribe to us on Patreon to receive early-access and bonus content
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Halloween Retrospective #11: Halloween (2018)
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
FINALLY it's here, only three years after being recorded! Join Howard, Dan and Spider-Dan (known on this recording as Dan B), in the pub with Ian Winterton (in chronologically his first appearance on this podcast) to discuss their first impressions, in both spoiler-free and spoilery fashion, of David Gordon Green's 2018 Halloween film - just in time for the release of his eagerly-awaited sequel, Halloween Kills.
Elsewhere, in the present day, Stella and Dan are joyfully rejoined by Kirsty, recent life stresses all behind her, to indulge in excitement about the Toronto International Film Festival premiere of Rob Savage's new film Dashcam, the trailer for Scream 5, and lots of other things!
00.00.41 Intro with Dan, Stella and Kirsty
00.25.11 Halloween (2018) discussion with Howard, Dan, Spider-Dan and Ian (and a bit of Stella)
01.58.45 Recommendations with Kirsty, Stella and Dan
Related Links and Recommendations
Danny Robbins' new podcast Uncanny is currently available via BBC Sounds
The Green Knight is currently streaming on Amazon Prime (and is also in cinemas)
There's Someone Inside Your House is currently streaming on Netflix
The Grimmfest Virtual Festival continues until 11.30pm on Sunday 17th October
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
(Virtual) Grimmfest Preview #3: Aaron Bartuska on For Roger
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
This weekend (14-17 October) it's the virtual version of Grimmfest, giving all of us lounge-lizards who missed the live festival the opportunity to catch many of its filmic highlights from the comfort of our homes. In this mini-episode, Dan talks to Aaron Bartuska, debut director and co-writer, about his found footage/slasher/character study hybrid For Roger, which has its UK premiere as part of the online event.
All films in the virtual version of Grimmfest can be viewed at any time between 1.30pm on Thursday 14th October and 11.30pm on Sunday 17th October.
Click here to book tickets for For Roger and to watch the trailer.
Click here to book tickets for Father of Flies and to watch the trailer.
Go to the official Grimmfest podcast, Spider-Dan & the Secret Bores, to hear Spider-Dan's reports from the live festival.
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended.
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Grimmfest 2021 Preview #2
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
The date this episode drops (7th October 2021) is the first day of Grimmfest, Manchester's festival of fantastic film, returning as a live event for the first time since 2019. And here is the second of our preview episodes, in which you can learn some details about two of the films screening there - Tarumama and Slapface. Dan and Stella are here to introduce the interviews.
00.16.20 The first interviewee is Andrés Beltran (@andresbcine on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook), director and co-writer of Columbian supernatural horror drama from Dynamo Productions, Tarumama (Columbian title: Llanto Maldito). Dan spoke to him over Zoom. Andrés' short film Vanity Mirror is also showing at the Sitges Film Festival this weekend and details can be found here. And the trailer for Tarumama (as well as screening details and booking links) can be found on the Grimmfest website here.
00.43.20 The second interview (with Dan filling in for Ian, who had to drop out at short notice due to family circumstances) is about Slapface (on Twitter as @SlapfaceFilm, soon to come to Shudder). Dan talks over Zoom to writer/director Jeremiah Kipp (@JeremiahKipp), actor/producer Mike Manning (@Mike_Manning_), and actors August Maturo (@AugustMaturo) and Libe Barer (@libebarer). Booking links for the Grimmfest screenings can be found here.
01.30.28 Recommendations
Next week we will be dropping, at long last, Howard, Dan, Spider-Dan and Ian's take on Halloween (2018) - just in time for the release of Halloween Kills. However, if you'd like to hear the review right now - and get access to a number of other bonuses - please consider subscribing to our Patreon.
Midnight Mass is currently streaming on Netflix
The Fly (1986, in the Star section) and every Simpsons Treehouse of Horror are currently streaming on Disney+
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended
Visit our website, www.andnowpodcast.com

Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Grimmfest 2021 Preview #1
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
We're back! Or at least... some of us are. Dan and Ian will be your company for the first episode of the second series of --And Now The Podcast Starts! But fear not, Kirsty, Stella and Howard will all be returning in future episodes, accompanied by a number of great guests.
And Grimmfest is back! Yes, it's time again for the North of England's premiere festival of fantastic films, which, following an all-virtual festival last year during lockdown, now reappears as a hybrid. It returns as a live event to its traditional home, the Odeon Great Northern in Manchester, from 7-10 October; and then follows this with a virtual festival from 14-17 October. All the details of what's on, and ticketing links, can be found at grimmfest.com.
Grimmfest is the main topic this week, as Ian and Dan talk to the talents behind three of the films.
00.09.53 Director/co-writer Erik Bloomquist (Twitter: @ErikCBloomquist) and actors Amelia Dudley (@AmeliaDudley) and Taylor Turner discuss their American sinister hotel thriller, Night At The Eagle Inn. Find out more about the film here.
00.39.16 Director/co-writer Conor Boru (Twitter: @ConorBoru), producer Dom Lenoir (@DirDomLenoir) and actor/co-producer Jared Rogers (@jaredrogersword) discuss their British serial killer mockumentary, When The Screaming Starts (we like that title! Twitter: @WhenScreaming). You can see the film's teaser trailer and find out more here.
01.20.37 Finally, director/co-writer/actor Keene McRae and actor/co-writers Kristoffer McMillan and Lane Thomas (all three of whom are also producers) discuss their American film Shot In The Dark (@ShotDarkFilm), a unique 'inspired by true events' hybrid of serial killer, love story and meditation on smalltown prospects. See the film's trailer at their website here.
Marvel's What If? and The Strain are both available on Disney+.
All soundtrack clips are used for the purposes of criticism, in the spirit of Fair Dealing (UK law) and Fair Use (US law). No copyright infringement is intended

Saturday Apr 10, 2021
The Final Girls and Boys: Series Finale, Part Two
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Kirsty, Stella, Ian and Dan gather for the last time this series, to cast their minds back over the podcast so far and discuss whatever comes to mind. Meanwhile, Howard (who has now recovered from his COVID-19 jab) phones in for another delve into the Bag of Death.
The show will now go on a short hiatus. We'll be returning around June to discuss, once again, the best and worst of horror with the choicest of guests. In the meantime, keep an eye on our webite, andnowpodcast.com, for new content, follow us on Twitter (@AndNowPodcast, @KirstyWorrow, @StellaGaynor, @IanWinterton, @LifeIsAboutFic and @LeeCushingPod) and consider donating to our Patreon page.
(Footnote: Apologies that this episode is dropping a day or so late. This is due to Dan being involved in an almost nasty accident. He's okay, though, and no-one else was hurt.)
We have a sea of recommendations to tide you over:
The Love Witch is streaming via All4 (free in the UK) until 20th April
The Uncanny Hour is exclusively available to Patreon Supporters of the Cosmic Shambles Network
Wellington Paranormal is now streaming as part of the Now TV Entertainment package in the UK
The Handmaid's Tale Seasons 1-3 are currently streaming free to UK Amazon Prime subscribers
The Margaret Atwood episode of Samira Ahmed's How I Found My Voice podcast is available on Apple Podcasts
Doom Patrol is streaming via Starz Play in the UK
The Boys Seasons 1 and 2 are currently streaming free to UK Amazon Prime subscribers
They Reach is currently streaming free to UK Amazon Prime subscribers
The ninth episode of The Battersea Poltergeist podcast has been delayed due to the BBC coverage of the death of Prince Philip
The podcast Tanis is available to listen here
Sour Hall is still available to listen on Audible (and Leah Marks and Nicola Redman's podcast The Voiceover Social, for voice actors and podcasters, is available here)

Friday Apr 02, 2021
Things We Forgot To Say: Series Finale, Part One
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
It's time to wrap up the first series of --And Now The Podcast Starts! with a general chat between Kirsty, Stella, Ian and Dan as they reflect on producing 60-odd episodes of horror discussions during a global pandemic, pick out some favourite moments, and add in some bits they meant to say about earlier topics. More in this style next week, and then we're taking three months off.
Please note: the sound quality is a little lower than usual this week, as a tight turnaround caused by everyone's pre-Easter work pressures meant we had to use the Zoom sound recording and didn't have time to edit it much.
Relevant Links and Availability
NB. Contrary to what Dan says on the podcast, The Wicker Man (1973 disguised as 2006 version) is no longer streaming for free to Amazon Prime subscribers in the UK. The 2006 version is available to Starzplay subscribers
Owen's appearance on Blue Peter can be seen on BBC iPlayer
Women Make Horror is published by Bucknell University Press and other outlets
The Battersea Poltergeist is continuing its broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and the new ninth episode debuts at 9pm on 9th April
Global TV Horror (featuring Stella's essay) is available from University of Wales Press
For All Mankind is streaming via Apple TV
The Silt Verses podcast is available here
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com

Friday Mar 26, 2021
Halloween Retrospective #10: Halloween II (2009)
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
A return to 2018 (oh, those carefree, carefree days) this episode, as we release the second-to-last of our series of Halloween franchise reviews recorded in that year, with our look at Rob Zombie's sequel to his own remake. Usual suspects Dan and Howard are joined by regular Halloween guests Spider-Dan (who at the time of recording was only just starting his own illustrious podcast) and actor, writer and sometime Michael Myers, Luke Richards. But what will be their verdict? As if you can't guess.
Relevant Links and Availability
Halloween II (2009) is available on DVD, Blue-Ray or rental streaming via Amazon or YouTube. It can also be streamed for free to members of Shudder
Spider-Dan is on Twitter and his podcast's website is here
Luke Richards is also on Twitter: follow him to learn more about his Halloween fan film, One Night in Haddonfield
Don't Breathe is showing on Film4 in the UK at 11.15pm on Saturday 27th March
The Battersea Poltergeist podcast is still available for download here and begins broadcasting every weekday at 11.30pm on Radio 4 from Monday 29th March
The Guest is showing on Sony Movies in the UK at 11.20pm on Tuesday 30th March
The Terror can be streamed via BBC iPlayer and is showing in the UK on BBC2 at 9pm on Wednesdays
Overlord is showing on Film4 in the UK at 10.45pm on Friday 2nd April
Visit our website, andnowpodcast.com